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Authentic Lifelong Discipleship & Mentoring
Loving Committed Family Church
Intentional Disciple-making Church
Vital Witness to Our Neighbors
Empowering Mission to the Dalits & Beyond


Our History

In 1982, a group of brothers and sisters had a vision of starting a Hakka church in Vancouver.  The first meeting was held at the basement of Brother Stephen Chong`s residence.  With God’s amazing guidance and grace, Basel Hakka Lutheran Church was founded. 

In 1985, after three years of using First Lutheran Church in Vancouver for Sunday services, BHLC Church building on Jackson Ave near Chinatown was purchased.  The congregation grew very quickly during the immigration rush from 1985-1995.

Seeing the increasing number of young people, who primarily speak only English, the church started the English service in 1992.  The English service grew rapidly and has great potential as more and more young people start to worship at BHLC.  Over the years, other ministries such as Faith Builders (formerly, Sunday School), Senior fellowship, Adult fellowship, Youth fellowship, Mandarin Ministry and Cell Groups were also established.  

In 2000, due to the growth of all the ministries, BHLC had a vision to expand its church building.  The Building Expansion Committee was formed in 2000 and pledging began in August 2002.  In 5 short years, sufficient money was raised to purchase the new church and education building.

In 2007, with the grace of God, and the unity and commitment of the congregation, BHLC was blessed with this present church building.  It is now BHLC’s ardent commitment to expand the kingdom of God in this Nanaimo vicinity and beyond for His glory.

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Tel: 604-255-5988

2575 Nanaimo Street
Vancouver, BC V5N 5E6

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